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I have none, not in my mind, my health, my work, my school, or my relationships. In fact I am completely and utterly unbalanced. I don't know how to convince the ones i love the most that i can get back. Probably because I don't know how to get back, I don't remember what back is at this point. I have been swimming upstream for what feels like a decade, fighting against the current, struggling to find some sort of balance. Financially happy, yet without passion and love; full of passion and love, yet without financial stability. That is only half the cycle though. You try to find balance so you chase what you don't have, eventually tipping the scale the other way, yet never attaining balance. Happiness in life isn't about money, fame, love, power, or any one thing. It is about finding the many things that drive you and fill you, then finding the balance to keep them. I am losing my heart and soul right now, chasing financial stability, and self worth; that if I can attain these ideas I feel I will be a better person for the very ones I am losing them for chasing. I lost my balance, I lost my way. I refuse to give up on finding my way back. I refuse to give up. I refuse.

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